April 22 – 29
+ May 12 – 20

Friday, April 21, 5 – 7 pm
+ Thursday, May 11, 5 – 7 pm



Los Angeles-based artist Rebecca Laws was born in 1990 in the Mojave Desert of Southern California. Her favorite sound is the deep, quiet void of a nighttime snowfall. Her favorite smell is the piquant earthiness of desert creosote after a rain shower. She is a Libra-Cancer-Cancer.

...spontaneously, by the action of light...: We long to see, we love to see, and we want to believe. The desire to see the depths of a black hole, to see the morning fog evaporating off of river rocks, to see any image at all, are one in the same, just achieved through different means. Beyond that, we want to record these things, to revisit them, to prove their existence, to exact an emotion by way of image. While some are benefited by the indexical nature of photography, there are some that defy representation. Yet, we will keep trying anyway. This work and this research say that despite the futility, the desire to see the stars, the afterlife, a passing cloud, a teardrop, a loved one, and ourselves, these are worth the pursuit.

The MFA Thesis Exhibitions for the Class of 2023 are interdisciplinary shows that incorporate a range of making practices unified by the overwhelming concerns these students have for their environment, their communities, their families, and their own well-being. With an emphasis on the personal, and at times the anecdotal, these 21 artists make a variety of contributions in the form of ceramics, garments, furniture, installations, paintings, photographs, poems, prints, sculptures, and videos. The nature of their work and research demonstrates the caliber and cultural relevance of our program.

Institute of Contemporary Art
at Maine College of Art & Design
522 Congress St.Portland, ME 04101

Gallery Hours:
Wed–Sun, 11:00am–5:00pm,
Thursday, 11:00am–7:00pm